reporting plus successfully creates transparent information through dynamic analysis and methodical editing – as an inside version for every IT application and as a smart Add-on-solution.

logo-tp-tr reporting plus inside

reporting plus inside is a solution for ERP, CRM or BPM systems. Our software is available for any interface as an Add-on. Its programming and configuration require virtually no additional work. Therefore, reporting plus is fully integrated, as if „inside“, into the system, what constitutes an added value for its application. All reports and analyses are kept up-to-date.  reporting plus inside presents all of the data ad hoc in form of dynamic reports and cubes and converts tchem into both PDF as well as Excel files.

logo-tp-tr reporting plus smart

reporting plus smart is a perfect Add-on solution that presents all data required for creating a report in a manner independent of the ERP or any other system. The smart-solution obtains data from every possible database through reporting plus editor and converts them into impressive reports, multidimensional Cubes as well as PDF and Excel – a true added value in everyday work. Users work exclusively with reporting plus viewer. Just one generated report is sufficient to recall individual templates that fulfil the users’ expectations about creating Cubes and reports.

logo-tp-tr reporting plus SAP

Mit reporting plus smart für SAP präsentieren Sie Daten wunschgemäß aus einer oder verschiedenen kombinierten Datenquellen – und eben auch aus SAP. Sie benötigen hierfür kein Data-Warehouse und keine Datenmigration. Mit reporting plus Editor wird der Zugang zu den Daten definiert und er ist auch für ihre methodische Verarbeitung verantwortlich. reporting plus Viewer stellt diese Daten als aussagestarke Berichte, als Datenwürfel und in PDF- und Excel-Format dar.

Sie wollen mehr erfahren, wie reporting plus smart für SAP beispielhaft Bilanzdaten in Drill-Down-Berichte und Cubes umwandelt – klicken Sie auf das nebenstehende Video.


Refined reports

reporting plus delivers dynamic reports oriented toward client's needs

Multidimensional data analysis in form with cubes

Cubes in reporting plus present data in an innovative 360° view

Generating PDF files with one click

Convert your data in PDF files really easy

Generating Excel files with one click

Generating Excel files with reporting plus becomes truly effortless


Services reporting plus
reporting plus
Ad hoc creation of dynamic reports    
Multidimensional data analysis with Cubes    
One-click converting into PDF files    
One-click converting into Excel files    
Design and presentation with system integration  
Design by reporting plus editor  
Presentation by reporting plus viewer  


reporting plus is a part of an extensive service offer prepared by complIT solution GmbH, which is regarded as Germany’s main IT service provider. The offer of complIT solution GmbH and its partners is very diverse and comprises both reliable software solutions as well as tried-and-tested IT services.

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